Learn about the rich culture, history, and traditions of Judaism and the Jewish people.

Brit Milah (Bris)
The Bat Mitzvah Ceremony and Celebration
Lilith in the Torah, Talmud, and Midrash
Chabad-Lubavitch Judaism 101
Biography of Ruth in the Bible
The Hebrew Language
5 Stages of Mourning in Judaism
The Levels of Tzedakah in Judaism
The Western Wall: A Quick History
Hebrew Girl Names and Their Meanings
Jewish Handwashing Rituals
The Story of Jezebel in the Bible
Hebrew Names for Boys and Their Meanings
What is the Meaning of Shomer?
5 Gift Ideas for a Bar Mitzvah
Traditions for the Month of Elul
Who Was Moses?
The Dybbuk in Jewish Folklore
Top 5 Myths About Jews and Judaism
Essential Hanukkah Songs
The Religious Implications of Shaving in Judaism
Shavuot 101
Muslim Views of Jews
What Is a Brit Yitzchak?
Legend of the Androgyne
Can Jews Celebrate Christmas?
Lilith, from the Medieval Period to Modern Feminist Texts
The Behemoth in Jewish Mythology
Leviathan in Jewish Legend and the Bible
Understanding the Role That Yael Played in Israeli History
Orthodox Judaism
Satmar Hasidim
What Does the Term "Midrash" Mean?
Tzedakah: More Than Charity
The Great Revolt and the Destruction of the Second Temple
Becoming a Bat Mitzvah
The Origin of Brit Milah
A Guide to the Reform Branch of Judaism
Man or Messiah: The Role of Jesus in Judaism
Does Judaism Believe in an Afterlife?
What Is the Star of David in Judaism?
Women of the Torah and Co-Founders of Israel
The Jewish Spelling of "God" as "G-d"
The Five Books of Moses
Why Jewish Men Wear a Kippah, or Yarmulke
King Solomon and the First Temple
What to Wear to Synagogue
What Is the Torah?
Blessing the Children on Shabbat
What Does It Mean For Jews to Be the Chosen People?
The Hamsa Hand and What It Represents
What Is a Rabbi?
How to Be a Mensch
How Satan Is Viewed in Judaism
How to Say the HaMotzi Blessing
What or Who Is a Cantor?
What Is Shabbat?
Judaism and Barefoot Prayer
What Is a Mitzvah?
The Concept of Sin in Judaism
Four Important Numbers in Judaism